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If you asked me today, I’d say I am a serial entrepreneuran artist, a collector, and a mentor with a mission. 

But that was not always the case. After all, I studied economics and architecture and planned to get a nice and secure job somewhere.

Sounds familiar?


Even after being nominated a member of the American Art Honor Society and receiving an art scholarship in the US, I never planned on earning my money as an artist. I thought that living as an artist was too insecure, too dependent on luck and the right connections, and that I did not have what it took!

For a couple of years, while studying, I worked with 3D at the Fraunhofer Institut IGD /Zentrum für Graphische Datenverabeitung (ZGDV) in Darmstadt. Later I took over the institute’s very own CAD classes for external students and corporations. That was in the 90s when CAD was slowly being adopted by the industry (Mercedes, German and International Airports, Stadtwerke, etc.). My students were mostly men, engineers twice or three times my age, which raised some eyebrows but was also a fun challenge. Mostly, I found that I enjoyed teaching professionals very much.

Unfortunately, I finished my studies right in the middle of the Dot-Com crisis in 2001. So, instead of wasting time going after what seemed to be a “mission impossible”, I took the topmost job on my dream-list and opened shop as a storyboard artist for global advertisement agencies. 3 months later I was fully booked. That was in the crisis year 2001.

Up until 2016, LassalMedia has paid for all of my experiments with whatever else I had on my list of possible dream jobs. I am through the list now, published over 29 books in the process, became a published photographer whose work has been exhibited from Los Angeles to Nairobi and at the European Parliament in Brussels, and am ready to move on and refocus on a moonshot.

More about this soon…

Always remember: Our future is what we make of it.
And that’s good news.


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